Perch report western basin

Perch 8-11. Perch have slowed down we need a couple of days of a good blow to shake up the lake. It was on fire and we were limiting out in two to three hours.I work with a lot of captains and they all told me the same thing slow.Guys were working around g can, kelly’s ,and south bass slow and a average 8 inch perch. I have been fishing east of the Toledo water intake and had been up and down action and nice fish from 8 to 12 inch.I was running to Toledo light house but did not need to run 13 miles when I was slaying them 6 miles out of Wild Wings.I saw a lot of boats at A can and B can but same thing picking at them but definitely no on fire.We were using crappie rigs and cutting are bait to get the juices flowing in the water

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